Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need insurance?
No, all of our services are free.
Do I need an appointment?
Yes, appointments are recommended.
How much do you charge for an appointment?
Nothing, all of our services are free.
What is included in my first appointment?
We provide pregnancy testing, options consultations, and resources information. If you have a positive test we will schedule you a follow up ultrasound appointment and an appointment for Medicaid application assistance.
Can I get an ultrasound the same day as my pregnancy test?
Our ultrasounds are scheduled in advance with our nurse schedule. We typically do not do same day ultrasounds unless there is a cancellation.
Can you tell me if I am having a boy or a girl?
We do not do gender reveal ultrasounds
I am bleeding can I get an ultrasound to make sure everything is ok?
If you are cramping, bleeding, or have medical questions please see your medical doctor or go to your local emergency room.
How soon after I have sex can I find out if I am pregnant?
Our test can detect your hCG level as early as 10 days after conception (21-24 days after the first day of your last period), although some women’s levels are not detectable until a week after a missed period.